Thursday, 17 November 2011


10 months on from shattering my leg and I feel so close to being back on the slopes. Dangerously close in fact. Getting regular updates from Dougie (Crawford) and Julia (Mancuso) this summer both skiing down in the Southern Hemisphere was tough and I couldn't stop the green eyed monster from surfacing but at the same time back then I knew I had far to go! Now it is a different story - my leg feels strong, I finally have bone-y bridging, my mobility is maybe 60% as good as my other ankle and the only pain I feel is where the metal plate prevents my tibia from rotating (a painful position ONLY bought on when i simulate skiing ironically!)

With Winter fast approaching I don't know exactly what my near future holds. I DO know that next spring I will be back. I have been reading Hermann Maier's autobiog which Terry Bartlett sweetly gave me recently. He talks about how when he came back to snow after that horrific bike crash he still had a lot of pain. Skiing is obviously not the most natural biomechanical thing in the world - but like Hermann, skiing runs threw my blood. The thought of arching sweet, clean turns has helped me threw some dark times during rehab. And contrary to what people have said and written, I will NOT retire on a crash, not when I have the fantastic support of Atomic and the Canadian Womens Ski Team.

For regular updates on my crazy, topsy-turvy life check out my new website or follow me on twitter @ChemmySki

Thanks Racer Ready!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chemmy,

    Glad you are well on the mend and I hope it won't be too long before you are back on the slopes..

